Growth Labs

As the speed, uncertainty and complexity builds across our landscape, we all need to find the planning reset button. A way to pause, reflect, then co-create new ways of solving problems. Precise Value labs provide a venue, format and all the support needed to create successful growth strategy. We prepare that support by reviewing all available research and data. This crystalises formative insights used to plan forward.

Precise Value hosted a Growth Lab for our executive to clarify and align our future strategy. The host and team set the day up superbly and the location was magnificent. The Sydney Boatshed contributed significantly to a very effective day.

Value Labs

Business value can come from a wide range of sources – some obvious but many nuanced.

You will be guided by safe hands as we move through an unstructured exploration of value in your organisation. We have deep experience in creating structure to that value and designing relevant metrics, analytics and research.

We blend that experience with your specific insights to map various value patterns. These form the bases for strategy that works and carries with it proof of success measures. Your lab concludes with next steps and a detailed report.

Predictive Labs

In an era where the spectre of big data looms large, we cut through to right-size thinking on your data needs and go straight to the valuable bit – predicting customer behaviour.

Predictive Labs guides you through a strategic process that reverse engineers and explains customer behaviour. The process identifies, maps and quantifies underlying drivers, patterns and insights. We do this across various product and customer segments, designing innovative new taxonomies as we go.

The lab outcomes form the basis for full project deployment. Your lab concludes with next steps and a detailed report.


Typical Next Steps:

1 Project deployment typically involves specifying and implementing data gathering requirements to feed analytics.

2 We then apply behavioural science and advanced statistics to build your custom predictive algorithms. After live testing, we establish an ROI before scaling up to full campaign integration. If required, we can assist with deployment of algorithms in your IT systems or use our systems to sidestep potential delays.

Future Labs

As business dynamics shift to shorter snapshots in time, regular checkpoints to map the paths ahead helps achieve and maintain success. From our deep experience building strategy for a wide range of organisations, Precise Value is well placed to co-create future vision for your business.

We prepare by careful review of your market and competitor landscape, drawing on all available research and data.

Future Labs then engages deeply with your team to explore dynamics, drawing on learning from other industries and countries. We look ahead to help enunciate future challenges and plan around these with contingent strategies.

We wrap the session by outlining the requisite strategies and supporting research
or data needs. Your lab concludes with next steps and a detailed report.

Precise Value answers our problems and brings a halo of opportunity.
Lisa Allan, Head of Marketing | The Smith Family


  • Australian Drug Foundation
  • BankWest
  • Black Dog Mental Health Institute
  • Charter Hall
  • Coca-Cola Australia
  • Coliban Water
  • Crown Resorts
  • CUA
  • Eliminate Dengue
  • KPMG
  • lendlease
  • Lion Nathan
  • Microsoft
  • Minderoo Foundation
  • National Australia Bank
  • Nestle
  • Open Universities Australia
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
  • St John of God Healthcare
  • Samsung
  • Santos
  • Sony
  • The Smith Family
  • Toshiba
  • Vodafone
  • Workplace Gender Equality Agency